Ameba Ownd


トルコ イスタンブールの国際映画祭で上映決定!

2022.01.24 03:38

トルコの首都イスタンブールで行われる国際ダンス映画祭「Dance Camera Istanbul」の姉妹イベント「Dance Camera Pandemania」で映像作品『peri』が上映されることが決定しました!



My dance film "peri" will be screened on International Dance Film Festival "Dance Camera Istanbul". This year it will be held as Dance Camera Pandemania, a "sister" event of the Dance Camera Istanbul Festival.

The event date is 4th, 5th February 2022. I'm looking forward to being screened my work in Turkey.It will take place mainly online.Please check on facebook page.