Ameba Ownd


Accessories for the cold winter!

2022.02.02 00:00

Hello! I'm O from the staff at the Osaka shop.

Recently, it seems like it gets cold from the core of the body

Cold days continue ~ 😔

By the way, I like winter (or actually, the snow)

I don't feel much discomfort, but there are many people who don't like the cold weather..

When you come to the shop, please iwear warm clothing 😊

We will warm up the shop and welcome you !

And knitwears are best for such a cold day!

Accessories look great on knits ✨

A voluminous silver ring for a casual loose knit,

A delicate pink gold ring for elegant and beautiful knitwears worn at your office.

It's fun to choose according to the knitwear of the day 😊

We have rings of various colors, I often hear customers saying

"This color is nice, no, this color is cute ..."

Depending on the clothes and accessories you usually wear

I think the choice will change, so please feel free to consult with the staff.

If you consult with me, I will do my best to propose a color that suits you!

I love to give such advice 😁 lol

And we have not only rings but also necklaces.

Available in two colors, silver and gold.

Both colors look great on knitwears.

How about choosing a necklace with the ring?

We look forward to seeing you 😌💐

Silver925 ¥ 3,300 ~

K10gold ¥ 11,000 ~

K18gold ¥ 27,500 ~

Pt900 ¥ 27,500 ~

* The above price is for the narrowest width (1.0 mm).

If you would like other widths, please contact us at the shop.

Stainless steel necklace chain is ¥ 2,200 

* You can choose the width and length. Please check at the shop.