yify Google Drive American Murder: The Family Next Door Full Movie
Genre=Crime; Synopsis=In 2018, 38-year-old Shanann Watts and her two youngest daughters disappeared in Colorado. With the heartbreaking details emerging, the family's story made headlines around the world; Jenny Popplewell;
; Tom Mustin
American murder the family next door case.
American murder:the family next door.
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I'm extremely disappointed with this documentary! I was initially interested assuming that this would give everyone new insight not currently revealed to the public. I was very wrong and essentially just watched clips from YouTube copy and pasted together to make this and then labeled it as a documentary. Most of these types of documentaries about high profile murder cases have the investigators interviewed, family members recalling information, sharing back stories and even interviewing the murderer himself. This did none of the above and I felt like I wasted my time. You can get a lot more information on YouTube.
Also they touch on the fact that people were victim blaming and the things that were said about Shanann. You know not everybody is going to be your cup of tea. She was clearly the more dominate person in the relationship but that doesn't give people the right to say that she deserved this or claim she pushed him over the edge. He could have gotten a divorce and walked away. It's not like he was worried about losing his kids. What he did was clearly done in order to try to build a new life with a new woman. Investigators even touch on the fact that this was all premeditated.
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American murderer: the family next door.
Let me just 2 were not meant to be together. Their personalities are total opposite. The only sad part is that these kiddos got mixed in the craziness. Many don't want to admit it but there are many families out there, just like this like this couple. You have the wife that records everything. She lives on Facebook. That's her whole life, social media. It became obsessive/compulsive. She was very obsessive and dominate. She likes to be the boss. She loved being in control and that fed her ego. A lot of men do not like being on social media all the time. You can look at Chris' face and tell that he went along with everything just for her. He was afraid of her because of who she personality. Another thing, Shannan exhibited compulsive texting when it comes to friends. Constantly texting her friends about her spouse. I'm sure her friends had their own life. She was constantly disturbing her friends life about the fact that she's getting no sex. Shannan was a lot to deal with. Now seemed like a quiet, nerdy guy. He seemed like a push over. He did whatever Shannan wanted him too. He was sooo unhappy in the marriage. Then he looked elsewhere for love like most men stead of facing his wife and walking away. He couldn't do it because of how afraid he was of her and how she would drive him nuts if he left. Shannan would've destroyed him. Again instead of him leaving, he lost it. He thought that getting rid of her, would prevent any hell that he was going to receive if he walked away calmly. Shannan knew this was her 2nd marriage. She thought dominating him and controlling him was going to keep him there. It only caused him to not like her and pushed him to cheat. He was looking for an out. Unfortunately, he did things the wrong way. I believe he killed her while she was sleeping. I don't believe he had the guts to take her while she was awake. She was that powerful and he was that afraid of her. My advice to married couples going through it. Leave. Get out. Do not harm anyone! Have the strength to walk away and coparent. It's hard leaving a marriage but life will still be great after you leave. Don't worry about what people think, just get out. Don't allow a spouse to scare you. Get out! Shannan knew that he had someone else. This was her 2nd marriage and she lives her life through social she wasn't going down without a fight inspite her wrong doings as well. She wasn't going to let him go easy and it made her angry that she was losing the control she always had. Women accept if your marriage is done. Let him go. if not things end up just like this. People have to know when to let go...
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