afdah Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn [2020] Dubbed Movie Down
- Description A twisted tale told by Harley Quinn herself, when Gotham's most nefariously narcissistic villain, Roman Sionis, and his zealous right-hand, Zsasz, put a target on a young girl named Cass, the city is turned upside down looking for her. Harley, Huntress, Black Canary and Renee Montoya's paths collide, and the unlikely foursome have no choice but to team up to take Roman down
- Audience Score 102300 Vote
- actors Margot Robbie
- Duration 109 Minute
- Directed by Cathy Yan
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The movie might have done poorly in theaters, but this fight scene was awesome. Loved Birds of Prey. This was such a funny movie and enjoyed the comic book style descriptions of each person who had a score to settle with her and Harley's narration. I also enjoyed Harley's attempts to mention Batman but was cut off after the closing credits.
Joaquin Pheonix: I don't even know who you are.
0:55 girl dont look at me like I did anything wrong 😂.
The movie is actually great, One of my favorite movies😍.
This movie so fun to watch, amazing, u wont regret it.
Badass female warriors in every culture is the shit right now & I'm loving it
Very funny and enjoyable! I love seeing Harley in her own movie and she's thriving. Did a double feature of Suicide Squad and Birds of Prey to get the full sense of Harley's character. SS was an enormous mess even its star power, but that's a whole other review to be made about its script, its pacing, its tone, its editing, everything. Birds of Prey in contrast was vibrant and refreshing, with a lot of momentum despite a less star-studded cast. One of the most solid DC movies in recent years. With less of a gimmicky feel in its self awareness, BoP didn't take itself too seriously the way SS did (which ended up stifling a lot of its characters' potential) so it felt miles more authentic. It's hard to make anything truly novel and un-cliche in this current era of reboots and sequels, but BoP kept me engaged and wishing for more beyond the end credits. Unfortunate that it didn't get the marketing it deserved and instead was brought down by anti-feminists afraid of more than one or two women in a superhero movie. Even more unfortunate that there's rumors about replacing the side characters and little possibility of a sequel because of the marketing "flop." It's a good movie, well worth the watch, and pretty unfairly evaluated as a ploy or pushing an agenda when it's just women characters written and directed by women. Nothing controversial about actually developed female characters. 🤷🏻.
SO glad i watched this before paying any money on this. not gonna watch it. Everyone. Lets go watch this amazing movie one more time! Lets goooooo. 💪🏼🥳🥳 #reasonstosupportbop.
Jesus, couldn't they have at least tried to make the fight scene actually look like a fight and not a bunch of buffoons running around like morons.
The animation was really good.
This is the best Harley Quinn moment ever.
Boy, she had a messed up childhood.
Harley I Dont Think This Is A Good Idea.
Really don't know what all the hate is about? I enjoyed it, wil definitely watch it again in a month or two, switch your brain off and enjoy it for what it is folks.
I mean, my parents got shot but. that egg sandwich was a tragedy.
Harly fricken Quinn If you saw the movie you know thats not what she said lol. It was pretty funny! Quite predictable, as most movies of this genre are, but well put together.
This movie is good I saw it in Theaters
1:44 I swear this is the closest the movie ever came to being a real-life drawing by Amanda Conner. This is literally an improved version of charlie's angels. What an amazing ability to make trivial things sound like mountains she needed to scale. She had to spend a whole 20 minutes in makeup. My god, some movies require the actors to spend a day in the makeup chair. Everything listed is just what every actor expects as a part of being an actor who becomes people who are not themselves. Like a mechanic expects to have to do labor and get dirty or an electrician expects to have to run cable. It's just part of the job.
“The Joker and I broke up” Finally girl. 1. so much respect gained. 2. was so afraid that to maybe hear that she was gonna give up burgers. lol. 3. damn those toxic fans. I was so relieved to see Bruce alive.
You know damn well she loved showing her body off on this film for that check. Dont be a fool. Plus she signed up for it like everyone else. Love this scene for so many reasons. Raiding Harley's weapon closet - fun location - BARRACUDA PLAYING -the actual soundtrack for the movie -huntress fighting in the slide -the way they use the environment -huntress and Cass' nice lil moment -hair tie? you are SO cool Ugh it's such a cathartic scene finally seeing them fight together after a whole movie of waiting.
Harley is just so darn cute. Harley Quinn is my baby I don't care what nobody say. I like how she had to go through wih her boss shaving just a bit of her eyebrow when the joker had to shave both of his eyebrows fully.
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