(solarmovie) Fast Times at Ridgemont High Full Length Movie Download Free Hd
average Ratings - 7,3 of 10 /
Director - Amy Heckerling /
stars - Robert Romanus /
scores - 86711 Vote /
1H 30Minutes
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After seeing this movie, I really don't know why so many people like it that much. It was an OK movie with a few cute parts, but other than that, I didn't care for it that much. A lot of it is because I'd heard that it was so funny, but I personally didn't think there was anything absolutely hilarious in it, not even Sean Penn's surfer-dude character. However, I didn't grow up in the '80s and that may be why I don't think it was that great, but the people that did grow up then probably think it's better because they can relate to the movie much more.
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Three seminal films of the seventies and eighties explored the high school experience: Grease (1978. The Breakfast Club" 1985) and this film- Fast Times at Ridgemont High" 1982.
Each of these films dealt with the common themes of the high school experience and the issues that confront all teens. Such films are, of course, coming of age stories, with teens discovering where they fit in socially. And learning about sexuality and the awkwardness of first experiences.
"Fast Times" is packed with wonderful performances, but the central characters are a brother and sister- Brad Hamilton (Judge Reinhold) and Stacy Hamilton (Jennifer Jason Leigh. Both hold part-time jobs and are learning valuable lessons about the benefits and vagaries of employment. Brad has a regular girlfriend, but is beginning to feel he is too young to commit exclusively. Stacy feels she lacks the sexual experience of her peers, so she considers forcing the issue.
"Fast Times" defines the school cliques of its time, just like the other two films. Teens want to belong, to find acceptance, and director Amy Heckerling does a good job of exposing the vulnerability that results from their longing.
The film is also a comedy. Some of the funniest scenes revolve around Jeff Spicoli (Sean Penn) whose portrayal of the wasted surfer dude is pure genius. His foil is Mr. Hand (Ray Walston) the opinionated and strict American History teacher who makes it his job to stand up to the Spicoli's. He is to Spicoli what Mr. Rooney is to Ferris Bueller, but with more caring. He is not trying to force his students to follow the rules because he seeks power; he is hoping to teach them some things about life and responsibility.
Ms. Heckerling's vision for the film was unflinching, including some "graphic" scenes that were cut to avoid an "X" rating. But the expurgated version still addresses tough teen issues head on. Older viewers will recognize the situations and identify with the characters' feelings.
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