APU Beppaper

Christmas lights!杉乃井ホテル

2017.11.14 04:01



Long time no see, winter is coming back to Beppu. Since it is getting chilly we all need something warm to wrap up with

皆さんにとっておきの 心あったまる、誰かと行きたくなる、そんなスポットをご紹介したいと思います!

I would like to recommend a few spots that everyone would love to go with someone special or with friends.  


Christmas lights! We're ever you look you can see the glittering Christmas lights of Suginoi hotel.


They use environment friendly LED lights powered by geothermal power. The sheer length of the lights and is a staggering 600m!

しかも!なんとこのイルミネーション、観覧無料なのです!!間違いなく別府で1番ひかっている場所ですよね。Even more with free access it is open to everyone. Making it one of the most popular spots in Beppu right now. 


In order to go there one can easily take the shuttle bus from the western entrance of Beppu Station making it very convenient. 


Please go there and spend some wonderful time while watching this mesmerizing illumination with your important person or friends. If going with friends you can loads of fun and "Instabae"!


P.S I went there by self. Even if you have no one to go with please go and have a good time!!!