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Download PDF Year of the Witch: Connecting with Nature's Seasons through Intuitive Magick

2022.03.04 09:54

Year of the Witch: Connecting with Nature's Seasons through Intuitive Magick. Temperance Alden

Year of the Witch: Connecting with Nature's Seasons through Intuitive Magick

ISBN: 9781578637126 | 224 pages | 6 Mb
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Download Year of the Witch: Connecting with Nature's Seasons through Intuitive Magick

Free e-book download Year of the Witch: Connecting with Nature's Seasons through Intuitive Magick by Temperance Alden in English

A fresh look at the wheel of the year, drawing on the power of intuition to create rituals and celebrations in harmony with your own traditions, your locale, and the climate of where you live. When we think of the wheel of the year, the Wiccan wheel with its celebrations of the Yule, Beltane, Mabon, and Samhain come to mind. But what about a wheel of the year for the rest of us pagans and witches? As a witch living in sunny South Florida, longtime hereditary witch Temperance Alden has often felt at odds gearing up to celebrate Yule, for example, when it is 76 degrees and sunny outside. Year of the Witch will help readers create their own intuitive practices in harmony with the climate, culture, and local spirits where they live. It’s of interest to witches coming off the Wiccan path and looking for a more personal approach to celebrating the rhythms of nature. Year of the Witch covers all aspects of this new, seasonal practice:  The origins of the neo-pagan wheel of the year and why it is still so relevant today  Culture, historical facts, and traditions associated with the major ceremonies  Basic principles of land-based magick  How to intuitively connect to the nature below your feet and the local gods  Being a custodian to the land and its impact on our spiritual practice

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Basic principles of land-based magick; How to intuitively connect to the nature below your feet and the local gods; Being a custodian to the land  Temperance Alden -
Year of the Witch: Connecting with Nature's Seasons through Intuitive Magick Nov 1, 2020. by Temperance Alden · ( 668 ). $8.52. “In her much-needed and  Year of the Witch: Connecting with Nature's Seasons through
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