There Are No Accidents, Nothing Is Random. Surrender Control and Be at Peace in the Present Moment.
Awakening is simply the clear awareness that State of Mind (Peace, Happiness, Freedom, Joy) does work Self Responsibility and the belief (ego) that seemed to make the cosmos has had no impact on Reality (Truth of Spirit). To live in the Present would be to “Be,” free of the illusory limits of time-space.
You can control the direction of your thinking and can therefore align with the Holy Spirit in the Present Moment acim audio free. Practicing with willingness the ability to choose the Holy Spirit will yield the knowledge of Being, Which is far beyond the illusory notion of choice.
It's true that nothing is random. The script of the cosmos played out in one seeming "unholy instant" and was Corrected or Neutralized by the Holy Spirit. Flow with the Love of the Holy Spirit and it becomes apparent that most seeming decisions in form are actually made. This is actually the experience of the happy dream of non-judgment. Prayer, mind watching, and forgiveness yield the knowledge that most form is false appearance and past, and what's past cannot be changed - only recognized as over and gone. Time and space are one illusion, and reassurance comes the instant the illusion is forgiven or released.
Life is our Spirit that is eternal. The human body only generally seems to decline and age to the ego, the belief in time. Be comforted to learn that Holy Spirit will arrange time and space for the miracles you is going to be sharing. Our joining shows that point has had no impact on our Identity in God. Nothing can alter Eternal Love. What generally seems to fade was never Love, for Love is Everlasting.
Continue to available to the miracles the Holy Spirit offers. Listen to the gatherings offered online, pray for the Holy Spirit's loving interpretation, and everything is going to be revealed. Awakening is a Moment of readiness and willingness and actually has nothing related to time at all. Give your brain permission to rest and soar in the Divinity within. Miracles offer a straightforward way of flowing in the moment, and you will recognize them by the Ease through which they come.
Release all attempts to manage persons, places, and events, and watch with the Holy Spirit. Keep watch and there's only an experience of light-heartedness. Nothing else really matters.
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