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熊野神社 五重塔 | The Five-Storied Pagoda in Kumano Jinja

2021.12.31 15:00


It is a copper five-storied pagoda that Mr. Nobufumi Otorii (appointed as the priest of Kumano Jinja in 1971 and appointed as the priest of Kanda Jinja in 1983) obtained and dedicated in 2009. It's said that it's built in the garden of the Edo Yashiki (mansion) of the Mitsui head family (where currently is Bunkyo City Third Junior High School) during the Genroku and Hoei period (around 1700). Its main body height is 5m, and 7m height including the pedestal. The same type of five-storied pagoda is that was built in Hoei 6th by Tokugawa Shogun Tsunayoshi, he donated it to Horyuji Temple, It is now stored in the Tokyo National Museum. Because they are very similar, including detailed sculptures, they are considered to have been made by the same studio of the same generation, and both towers are considered to be the tallest five-storied pagoda made of copper in Japan.


Tateishi 8-44-31, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo


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