High in the sky is a Boeing
Into the night, I
Wonder where they’re going on their way
The silver turns to grey
Night-time has fallen around us
Up on the roof all along
The bypass and city lights below
Gently start to glow
Don’t you cry any more, darling
The moon is shining down upon us
We’ll make it through the night
Sleepless in the silence
And surrounded by the starlight
You and I, together we’re aliens
And in this galaxy we’ve come so far
While dreaming of the moon where we belong
Don’t you know you’re wonderful, alien
And though we’re castaway on a lonely star
My whole world is magic
In the blue sky we fly
Night creatures cry in the shadows
The flash of a light, ah hah
The howling of a sports car tyre
The demon breathing fire
We can laugh about it now darling
Cause the night belongs to us now
Don’t look so far away
My flaws are almost human
But it’s only an illusion
You and I, my darling aliens
And on this lonely street in the city light
We’re in a whole new world that’s ours tonight
Don’t you know you’re everything, alien
Our crying for the moon will soon be far away
It’s gonna be like magic
We’ll fly away someday
Come and take my hand now darling
One more dance before the sunrise
And though the night will fade
The dawn that rains tomorrow
Brings another flood of sorrow
You and I, together we’re aliens
And in this galaxy we’ve come so far
While dreaming of the moon where we belong
Don’t you know that I love you, my alien
Our crying for the moon will soon be far away
We’ll leave this world behind, I know somehow
I love you so much alien
Do you know it now?
遥か空に旅客機 音もなく
公団の屋根の上 どこへ行く
誰かの不機嫌も 寝静まる夜さ
バイパスの澄んだ空気と 僕の町
泣かないでくれ ダーリン
ほら 月明かりが長い夜に
禁断の実 ほおばっては 月の裏を夢みて
キミが好きだよ エイリアン
魔法をかけてみせるさ いいかい
どこかで不揃いな 遠吠え
笑っておくれ ダーリン
ほら 素晴らしい夜に
ごらん 新世界のようさ
キミが好きだよ エイリアン
魔法のように解けるさ いつか
踊ろうよ さぁ ダーリン ラストダンスを
禁断の実 ほおばっては 月の裏を夢みて
キミを愛してる エイリアン
大好きさエイリアン わかるかい