東條一堂の墓 | The grave of Tojo Ichido
2017.12.02 15:00
[ 葛飾区登録有形文化財 | Katsushika City-registered tangible cultural properties ]
東京都葛飾区堀切3丁目25-16 妙源寺
3-25-16 Myogen-ji, Horikiri, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo
Tojo Ichido is a confucian in the late Edo period. He passed away at the age of 80 in Ansei 4th (1857). His grave was in Myogen-ji in Sumida-ku, but that temple suffered from the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 and was moved here, and his grave also was moved this place together.
撮影日 | Date of photo