こんなときのにほんご.シーズン2 06「Let's hydrate ourselves well.」
こんなときのにほんご.シーズン2 06 (2022/06/19配信)
Hello Everyone. I’m Megumi. How are you going? This Podcast telles you “simple Japanese conversation” and meaning of their. There are quiz-style format. Please listen to it in your spare time.
みなさんこんにちは、めぐみです。 このpodcastでは、簡単な日本語会話とその意味をクイズ形式でお伝えしています。お暇な時に、ぜひ聴いてみてください!
Japan has entered the rainy season. From this time of year, we hear more and more announcements warning against heat stroke. well, now for today's quiz. Which of the following is the correct Japanese translation?
Let's hydrate ourselves well.
Correct answer is no.1
Meaning of ”しっかり”is closer 'enough' or 'a lot' .
On the other hand, “こまめに” in no.2 means "actively when you notice it" or "occasionally". Note that although frequently is often used in English translations, it is actually slightly different.
一方、②の「こまめに」は、「気づいたときに積極的に」、あるいは、「ちょこちょこ」という意味を持ちます。 英語に直すと、frequentlyが使われがちですが実際は少し違います。注意してください。
それでは今日はここまで。 暑さに気をつけて、楽しい夏を過ごしましょうね!
That's all for today. Thank you for listening. Take care of the heat, and have a happy summer! Bye!
I'll be taking the day off nextweek. bye!