1 Mayam How Many Grams?

2022.06.28 23:37

1 Mayam How Many Grams?

In Indonesia, there are several units of gold used in addition to grams, one of which is mayam. This unit is used in Aceh, which is the area with the second largest dowry value after Sulawesi. 1 Ame How many grams

So, 1 mayam how many grams? What is the value of the dowry that must be prepared for a wedding in Aceh?

Based on information from the book Family Jihad: Building a Successful Household in the Hereafter by A. Fatih Syuhud, 1 mayam is equivalent to 3.3 grams. Meanwhile, the lowest dowry value in Aceh is about 10 gold mayams. Price of White Gold per gram in Bandung

If calculated as a whole, 10 gold mayam is 33 grams which is currently equivalent to IDR 28 million. Thus, a young man who wants to get married must prepare a dowry of 33 grams of gold or Rp. 28 million in cash. The dowry is not included in other offerings, such as food, clothing, shoes, bags, cosmetics, and others. platinum jm original or fake

In the Bugis region, the dowry is considered to be higher than in Aceh, ranging from Rp. 20 million to hundreds of millions of rupiah. This does not include other gifts, such as a plot of land, gold jewelry, and so on. Can 18k gold wear off?

When compared to the Bugis and Acehnese, the value of the bride's dowry in Java tends to be cheaper. The nominal dowry there can start from Rp. 100 thousand. Then, there is no burden to pay for the bride's wedding reception. Can 375 gold fade, 1 mayam how many grams?

The price of 22 carat gold today is in Manado. After knowing the calculation of the dowry value above, it can be said that the dowry value in Aceh is indeed quite large compared to other parts of Indonesia. However, Bugis is still in first place as the first largest dowry value in Indonesia. Today's 22 karat gold price in Makassar

Dowry is a mandatory requirement for marriage in Islam. The dowry must be given by the husband to the wife because the dowry is the property of the wife. To better understand it, see the explanation below. gold price today

What is Mahar?

Islam makes maskawin or dowry a symbol of respect for women. Maskawin law is obligatory with the evidence of the Book of God, the sunnah of the Prophet, and the consensus of scholars. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala said: The price of gold is 70 percent today

“Give maskawin (dowry) to the woman (whom you marry) as a gift voluntarily. Then, if they give you some of the maskawin with pleasure, eat (take) the gift (as food) which is delicious and good as a result. " (An-Nisa 4)

Basically, Islamic teachings do not set a dowry price. The nominal is handed back to the ability of each individual.

Rasulullah SAW himself has recommended that the value of maskawin not be too expensive. This is as mentioned in the hadith narrated by Uqbah bin Amir. ra, which reads:

Rasulullah said to a man who wanted to marry a woman who surrendered to him, "Go and look for (maskawin) even if it is only in the form of an iron ring."

In some cases, the giving of a dowry may be postponed with the agreement of both partners, until a time limit before they mix. Even so, it is recommended that men hasten to give a dowry as stated in the word of God.

"There is no sin on you to marry them when you pay dowry to them," (QS. Al-Mumtahanah [60]: 10)

Traditions in Aceh marriage customs require the presence of mayam. The mayam is a size of gold that has been used for generations as a condition of marriage that has been in place in the Aceh tradition.

Those who really want to propose to an Acehnese woman must prepare an unusual dowry, namely in the form of a golden mayam which if calculated its value can reach 2 times more than the usual dowry.

As a symbol of honor from the family, not all Acehnese women have the same golden dowry. The higher the degree of a bride, the higher the night that must be prepared by the man. Well, to find out in more detail about the use of mayam, 1 mayam how many grams, its philosophy, and how to calculate it,

What is Golden Mayam?

Basically, the term mayam is a measure or a unit of gold that is specifically found in Acehnese society.

The use of this term is widely used as Mayam itself is a symbol for the people of Aceh as a dowry requirement that must be fulfilled by the groom and given to the bride.

If measured in grams, then one mayam is equal to 3.33 grams. So you can imagine, if a 1 gram of gold has a price of around Rp. 900,000, then one mayam is Rp. 2,970,000. Well, that's if the bride asks for 1 mayam, but in reality it's more than that.

What is clear, the mayam conversion itself follows the development of the gold price per gram. If the price of gold per gram increases, then of course the conversion of mayam into rupiah will also increase.

Mayam's Philosophy

As the city of Veranda of Mecca, Aceh is an area that is guided by Islamic teachings and is also very strong in reviving traditions. The customary law of ngon lage zat ngon sifeut which means law and custom such as substances and properties which cannot be separated. The people of Aceh have their own perspective in understanding Jeunamee or dowry in the form of gold in the dose of mayam.

In the Acehnese tradition, the very first step for the stage of the marriage process is the engagement followed by the proposal. Before asking for a hand, the groom first sends a messenger in Acehnese language called seulangke. After being approved by the bride and groom, the proposal process continues by bringing souvenirs (bungong jaroe) as souvenirs and bringing gold in the mayam measure, which is about 3 to 30 mayam or more (1 mayam = 3.33 grams).

The Mayam philosophy in Acehnese wedding customs is that there are many values ​​that are taught, such as:

As a symbol of the sincerity of the prospective groom. Even if the prospective man is not from a wealthy family, if the prospective man really loves the prospective Acehnese bride, he will certainly try and accept it with all his heart so that he can marry the woman.

How many Mayam is needed to propose an Acehnese woman?

In Acehnese wedding customs, the dowry given by the groom to the bride-to-be has been regulated in detail with a socio-cultural approach that is applied in a series of sacred and sacred marriage ceremonies. The dowry is in the form of a Golden Mayam, not a set of prayer tools or anything else.

Then, to be able to propose to an Acehnese woman, how much gold do you really need?

Uniquely, each ethnic Acehnese has different principles and customs related to the amount of dowry. For example, the amount of jeuname for the Anuek Jame ethnic group is between 3 and 7 gold mayam, while the Acehnese from Pidie District, the groom must be prepared to prepare dozens of mayam gold.

Uniquely, there is a custom in Aceh that determines the jeuname of a daughter based on the value of her mother's jeuname first. So, for example, if in the past the mother of the virgin baro (bride) had a jeuname in the form of a paon or a ringgit coin weighing 10 mayam, then her daughter's gold mayam was valued at one ringgit and 10 mayam necklace. This means that the value of the daughter's jeuname slightly exceeds her mother's jeuname.

Actually, the amount of gold mayam that is used as a dowry does not have any special provisions, depending on the woman and her agreement with the prospective groom. But on average, the habits that have become customs in Aceh itself are between 3 and 30 mayam. This can depend on several factors, for example, beauty, education, lineage, and other agreements from the bride's family.

How to Count Golden Mayam

It is not difficult to calculate gold in mayam units converted to grams. It has been mentioned above that 1 mayam is 3.3 grams of gold. or mayam equals 3.3 grams of gold.

So, for example, a bride receives a dowry or jeuname of 35 gold mayam. So to change it, just multiply it by 3.3 grams of gold, so that it becomes:

35 mayam x 3.3 gram = 115,5 gram

So it means that the bride-to-be receives 15.5 grams of gold. Well, if you want to know how many rupiahs the bride got, then it is enough to multiply it by the gold price per gram that was in effect at that time.

For example, the price of gold at that time was Rp. 900 thousand per gram. So the woman received a dowry of 900 thousand x 115.5 grams = Rp.103,950,000. It's fantastic, isn't it?

That's a review of the meaning of golden mayam, philosophy, and how to calculate it. Hopefully this information about mayam as a tradition for the people of Aceh can be useful and add to your insight.

So, are you ready to propose to your future wife from Aceh? You can start by saving or buying gold through Bullion Bank to prepare for the wedding.









