格差を生むルール|Rules that Create Disparties|2022/07/08
It is no longer necessary to work overtime or do anything out of working hours in any industry. I think it's good because there used to be a time when service overtime was commonplace. On the other hand, it is said that it is not possible to learn at the time when it is necessary to learn. In the olden days, newcomers learned their jobs by having study sessions after hours and being taught at OJT. Now that they can't be forced to do these things, they have to leave it to their independence. Those who actively learn their time and those who spend their time as a hobby will make a big difference in five years. In the old days, they were equally schooled, so there was almost no difference, but it seems that it is no longer possible to make up for this difference. It's sad that the rules that should protect workers are creating disparities. -Text and illustration by Ted Sakaki