Level 17k code 750 means

2022.07.16 05:13

Level 17k code 750 means that the gold has as much as 17 carat of pure gold.

17k level code 750 means pure gold is not often used in jewelry because gold metal that has a high level of purity will be softer. The nature of gold will definitely make it difficult for craftsmen to maintain the durability of jewelry when used every day. 17k level code 750 means

So gold must be mixed with other metals such as silver or copper to become gold jewelry that is sturdy and has great durability. Reporting from the Semar Nusantara website, gold jewelry containing 45 percent - 50 percent has a very perfect combination of price and quality.

Fill Gold in Rust

Not only the content of 45 percent, 50 percent or 99.9 percent, in the gold trade is also known to be 14 carat gold, 18 carat to 24 carat.

Level 17k code 750 means Gold with 24 carat is considered pure gold or 99.9 percent content. On the other hand, 15 karat gold is equivalent to 62 percent gold.

The method of calculating it is 15 divided by 24 is 0.625. After that 0.625 is multiplied by 100 to be converted into a percentage so the result is 15 carat gold which is equivalent to 62.5 percent of the gold content in jewelry. 17k gold content means

14 K or 14 carat gold jewelry is equivalent to 58 percent gold content. 17 K or 17 carat gold jewelry is equivalent to 70, 8 percent gold content. On the other hand, 18K or 18 carat gold has a gold content of 75 percent. In contrast, 22 carat gold has a gold content of close to 91 percent. 23 carat gold has a gold content of 95 percent and 24 carat gold has a gold content of 99, 9 percent in jewelry. 17k gold content code 750 means

The amount of gold content in jewelry is one of the determinants of the selling price of gold. Continues to be a lot of gold content, continues to be a huge price of gold jewelry.

Understanding the Classifications and Codes on Gold

Gold is a special object that has a normal selling value. However, ascertaining the value of gold is not easy. To determine the price of gold, usually gold is classified into 2 parts and explore the codes on gold. Therefore, these factors can guarantee the purity and authenticity of gold so that you are not trapped with fake gold.

Dialogue about the classification and codes of gold, will determine the selling price of gold. This matter is also commonplace so that the price of gold between one store and another jewelry store can be different. Meanwhile, in the same unit of weight, the price of gold can be higher or cheaper. For those of you who are happy to collect gold jewelry, you should further deepen your knowledge of gold.

Gold Classification

In the world of gold jewelry, there are 2 classifications of gold that affect the selling price. So that there is no wrong selection or wrong assumption about gold jewelry, let's follow the following description.

Old Gold

17k value code 750 means Investigate has a probe, light gold and dark gold color just overrides the naming. And this designation is only heard in Indonesia. The world of gold outside Indonesia does not understand this term. Old gold does not mean old gold. Instead, this is a local term for gold that has more than 70% gold content. It is suspected that the word "old" refers more to the color of gold which will continue to be yellow and dense if the gold content is large.

As we all know, gold is measured in carats. If we experience something gold has a content of 24 carat, so the gold content is really 99.99% gold metal (Air Force (AU)). 18 karat gold, a common ingredient in many jewelry, means it has 75% pure gold and 25% a combination of other materials to harden it—it could be metal, copper, or even zinc. That way, what can be called light gold is gold with a pure gold metal content (Air Force (AU)) at 70% or 17 carats to the bottom.

But on the other hand, there are those who mention the price of old gold is much more expensive. This is due to the fact that the content of old gold is much larger is above 50% while young gold has a much lower content is below 50%. Generally the content of old gold is close to 58, 5%, 70%, 75%, 85%, 95%.

Young Gold

Some people say that light gold is gold that has a content below 50%. And the price of easy gold is generally much cheaper when compared to the price of old gold. This is because young gold has a much less gold content ranging from 15%, 30%, 40% and 42%. Therefore, the matter of this content causes the price of young gold to be much cheaper than the price of old gold.

Code on Old Gold

Not only the classification of gold, there are also codes listed on gold jewelry. For example, on the ring there are codes 375 or 750. What is the intention of these codes? Here's the explanation 17k gold means

- Gold Code 585 or 14K585

Code 14K585 is a code used on foreign jewelry. The code number 585 means that the gold jewelry contains 58.5%.

- Gold Code 700

Gold with the code 700 is very widely sold in the market and is made by KH, SG, MT, JR, S22, HWT, and UBS. And the code number 700, is meant as an indicator if the gold jewelry has a gold content of 70%. 17k gold means

- Gold Code 750

Gold with code 750 is gold made by Prisma750, AYU, 18K, HT, MT, Citra, JR, KH, HWT and UBS. The number code 750 itself proves that the gold has a gold content of 75%.

- Code 833

Gold that has a code of 833 certainly has a large selling price. Because. code 833 displays if the gold has a content of 83.3%. As with code 833, gold with code 850 continues to be very expensive. Gold with a code of 850 has a gold content of 85%. level 17k code 750 means

Code on Light Gold

Like old gold, the code on light gold also has the same meaning. For example, if you make gold with code 150 on a piece of jewelry, it shows that the gold has a 15% content. Generally, code 150 is mostly on necklace jewelry. For gold code 420 it is generally found on necklace jewelry. Gold code 420 indicates 42% carat in gold. Gold Grade 17k means grade 17k code 750 means

Is Old Gold Better?

Continue to be "old" or dark gold content, the yellow color will continue to be dark and dazzling. Unfortunately, this beauty is not matched by the level of density. Pure gold (Air Force (AU)) metal tends to be rather soft, melts easily when exposed to excessive heat and bends under pressure. Because like that, jewelry craftsmen mix it with other metals such as copper or zinc. 17k code 750 means

Continues to be a large gold content in a piece of jewelry, continues to be attractive in appearance and continues to be expensive. This is because gold is still one of the ores or chunks of metal that are very, very rare in the world, above silver.

The content of gold or carat gold is one important aspect that must be considered before buying jewelry. This not only determines the price of a piece of jewelry, but also its durability and sturdiness. So far, jewelry stores sell gold jewelry with a content of 9K, 14K, 18K to 22K, what does that mean?

Meaning of Gold Rust Content

Gold content is the amount of pure gold in jewelry. Because generally gold jewelry has been mixed with other materials. As is known, pure gold (100%) contains 24 carats.

Gold content is expressed in terms of carats, such as 9 carats (9K), 14 carats (14K), 18 carats (18K) to 24 carats (24K). Gold content is also expressed in percent (%). Continuing to be filled with gold, of course, the higher the selling price. 17k gold means

In the Indonesian market, old gold and young gold are known. This description refers to the gold content of jewelry. Gold is pronounced as old gold not only when it has a content of 24 carats. Gold 18 carats and above is also pronounced as old gold.

While 9K gold jewelry is often associated with light gold. Jewelry with gold content, the content of the mixture is greater than the content of gold.

Why does gold jewelry have other metal combinations? Is there jewelry with 24K gold content? 17k code 750 means

No jewelry manufacturer makes 24K gold jewelry. Need to know that gold has a soft character. So that the gold content continues to be large, the jewelry continues to be soft. Because of that, jewelry will be more easily scratched or also changed shape when hit by a collision.

The risk of destruction will continue to increase if the jewelry is decorated with other elements such as diamonds or other gemstones. The gems or diamonds will be easier to remove. Because of that, gold jewelry is mixed with other metals to make it stronger, not easily scratched and durable.

Emas 9K Emas 375

Not only in carats, gold content is also expressed in percent (%). The percentage continues to be large, the price of the gold jewelry continues to increase. For example, gold 375, gold 700 and gold 750. This means gold 375 = 37.5% gold content; gold 700= gold content 70%; 750 gold = 75% gold content. Generally this number is used as a stamp on jewelry. level 17k code 750 means

9 carat gold is equal to 375 gold. This matter is obtained from a simple calculation 9/ 24 x 100% = 37.5%. 9K gold jewelry is often associated with light gold.

As discussed earlier, the gold content of this jewelry is less than 50%, which is 37.5% to be exact. The rest, which is 62.5% is a combination of other metals such as silver, copper and others.

If you want 9K gold jewelry decorated with diamonds, we provide a variety of 9K jewelry, ranging from rings, earrings to bracelets to pendants.

The prices offered also vary and apparently don't want to break the pocket. 9K gold jewelry with diamonds starts at IDR 2 million.

Not 14K Not 585

Jewelry with a 585 stamp has a 14K gold content. This jewelry is not often found in the Indonesian market. If there is, it is generally custom made or from outside the country (western region).

Not without because, people from the United States, Australia and European countries prefer 14K jewelry because it has a stronger structure and is impact resistant. So they tend to buy engagement rings or 14K wedding rings.

Not 17K Not 700

17K gold or 700 gold, so one of the famous gold jewelry content in the Indonesian market. This jewelry has a pure gold content of 70% and 30% combination.

Jewelry with a stamp of 750 contains 18K gold. Jewelry that is included in this type of old gold has become a favorite option in Asian countries, including Indonesia. Generally people who are looking for a wedding ring or engagement ring will choose 18K gold jewelry.

18K gold is also a popular choice for jewelry decorated with diamonds or other precious stones. The jewelry industry in Asia also mostly produces gold jewelry with this content.

Jewelry experts also calculate that the best gold content which is usually used for jewelry is 75% or 18K. In this content, other combinations which are as much as 25% are believed to be enough to make jewelry more sturdy, so that it is more resilient and does not change shape easily.

You can create a huge collection of 18K gold jewelry. Starting from engagement rings, wedding rings, earrings, bracelets to pendants. You can also choose the type of gold, yellow gold, white gold and rose gold.

Not only can you choose an existing ring design, you can also customize the ring design of your dreams. You can try the 'make your own engagement ring' feature via our website or click here. We want to help you find a ring that fits your needs and budget.

24K Gold; Gold Precious Metals( LM)

Gold Grade 17k means 24K Gold is the highest gold content. This gold purity level is 99% and is commonly called precious metal (LM) / gold bullion. One of the producers is ANTAM.

17k, code 750 means that LM is generally sold in the form of bars. The sizes also vary, ranging from 0, 5 gr, 1 gr, 2 gr, 3 gr, 5 gr, 10 gr, 25 gr, 50 gr, 100 gr, 250 gr to the very large is 1000 gr. Generally these products have a formal certificate. This type of gold is often an investment option. 





