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New York Homeschool Consultant Individualized home instruction plan to homeschool your child must be completed four weeks after receiving the IHIP You will need to submit an annual Letter of Intent to your school district by July 1, and an IHIP (Individual Plan of Instruction) by August 15.INDIVIDUALIZED HOME INSTRUCTION PLAN (IHIP) (Notes: Hours of instruction for grades 1-6 shall be 900 hours per year. State: NY. Zip: Home telephone:. Parent Seeks a Sample IHIP (Individualized Home Instruction Plan) Read the extensive Questions and Answers published by the New York State Education INDIVIDUALIZED HOME INSTRUCTION PLAN (IHIP) [Notes: Hours of instruction for grades 9-12 shall be 990 hours per year. State: NY. Zip: Home telephone
621, 632, 769, 232, 281.