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Cocoa nursery management pdf

2022.07.31 01:23
















sustainable way, utilizing management methods that are cheap, practical and sustainable for the small farmer, and reducing dependence on costly inputs such as pesticides and fertilizer. Over 80% of all cocoa is produced by smallholder farmers. Cocoa provides employment in many rural communities and Module 3: Nursery establishment and management 5 Module4: Pruning and Shade management 7 Module 5: Weed management in cocoa 9 Module 6: Fertiliser application 11 Module 7: Management of insect pests on cocoa 13 Module 8: Integrated pest management in cocoa 17 Module 9: Management of cocoa diseases 20 Inoculating cacao seeds with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) at point of sowing and early stages in the nursery aided root development and enhanced field establishment and survival during the dry season. Dense shade retarded cacao growth and development during the rainy season, while no shade enhances optimum growth and canopy development. their cocoa because young cocoa trees had not begun to yield, or because old trees had been abandoned (Table 8.1). Table 8.1 Cocoa activities, percent of cocoa households doing each activity, by country Ghana Côte d'Ivoire pvalue sig Land clearing 48% 25% 0.00 *** Land preparation 37% 27% 0.00 *** Planting 52% 32% 0.00 *** Chapter 4: NURSERY MANAGEMENT The rearing of coconut seedlings in a well-maintained nursery facilitates efficient selection of normal uniform seedlings. It permits equal and unbiased application of treatment and evaluation. Care must be taken in choosing the seedlings to start a plantation since plantings will be in the field for many years. Money earned through cocoa exports halved between 2011 and 2012, but with cocoa prices predicted to rise to more than $3,000/tonne, lost revenue will become even more damming and apparent. Past Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) funded projects indicated that while eradication of cocoa pod borer is impractical in the UNESCO - EOLSS SAMPLE CHAPTERS SOILS, PLANT GROWTH AND CROP PRODUCTION - Vo.III - Growth and Production of Cacao - Hermann A. Jürgen Pohlan, Valentín Díaz Pérez ©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) Theobroma cacao is commonly characterized by three main cacao cultivars: Criollo, Forastero and Trinitario.It is one of the world's most valuable crops, cultivated In general, IPDM inputs (cocoa tree pruning, sanitation practices, weed management, fertiliser application and shade tree management) should be applied 3 months before flowering (main and mid-crops) to promote flowering and pod development rather than vegetative growth. Diseased pods should be removed during weekly harvests. 1.3 IPDM options conducted for two years, a cocoa nursery management strategy was evolved to combat Phytophthora disease of seedlings raised during rainy season. Key words : Cocoa nursery, Phytophthora palmivora, disease management. Plant Archives Vol. 14 No. 1, 2014 pp. 461-463 ISSN 0972-5210 Introduction Phytophthora diseases are the most prevalent and Cocoa seedling nurseries should be located near the proposed cocoa farm, should have access to water, and be secure from pigs. DIreCt PLANtINg Direct planting is planting the seeds straight in to the field. If a nursery is not managed properly and the cocoa seedlings are spindly and weak from over shading, direct planting is recommended. Seedlings grew well in the nursery in polythene pots under a shade of from eight to ten palm fronds per 10 ft. length and with light watering. Late sowing and early transplanting were satisfactory, so seedlings need only remain in the nursery for five or six months; in the Ibadan area this was achieved by sowing in December and transplanting in • maintain the soil/media moisture by watering once every two days and removing weeds from the bags and pathways between rows • each day check the general state of the seedlings • control the entry of unauthorized personal to the nursery since they can be a vehicle for pest and diseases • prevent entry of animals to the nursery, and in … • maintain the soil/media moisture by watering once every two days and removing weeds from the bags and pathways between rows • each day check the general state of the seedlings • control the entry of unauthorized personal to the nursery since they can be a vehicle for pest and diseases • prevent entry of animals to the nursery, and in …

452, 217, 896, 531, 434.