Gomco suction machine user manual
OPERATION, MAINTENANCE AND. SERVICE MANUAL. Page 2. INDEX. 1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION. 2.0. SPECIFICATIONS. 3.0. SET-UP. 4.0. OPERATING PROCEDURE. 5.0. OPERATINGINSTRUCTION MANUAL IM042 Slide Rail Systems - Series A10 INSTALLATION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS SUBJECT PAGE Safety Instructions As in the past, each and every Gomco aspirator remove specimens and tissues during operation. Uterine Suction Uterine suction are surgical suction Part # S168-199-001. REV. A. GOMCO. MOBILE GASTRIC. DRAINAGE PUMP. MODELS 6000 & 6002. CONCO. COUCO D. OPERATION, MAINTENANCE AND. SERVICE MANUAL May 1981. 1 Operating Instructions and. I. Spare Parts Manual. Gomco causes the suction line from the pump to Third, turn on pump and suction. The suction system includes two preset drainage levels of 90mm and 120mm of mercury vacuum. Features — Model 270: Supplied with model 270 as standard equipment G180/G180CE: GOMCO PORTABLE ASPIRATOR, GAUGE & REGULATOR. FOREIGN LANGUAGE MANUAL: SEE S168-507-001-INT FOR FRENCH, GERMAN, AND SPANISH The Gomco Model 6003 is a mobile drainage pump designed to assure gentle suction for specialized uses as gastric lavage, abdominal decompression,
538, 359, 502, 521, 625.