全てのものは大地にかえる - Everything Goes Back to Earth

Everything Goes Back to Earth (全てのいのちは土に還る)
Acrylic on canvas
道に迷ったら、森に行くといいかもしれません。 森には、大なり小なりすべてがあります。
たとえば葉っぱ。たとえば小さな木の実や、小さな果物。枝にとどまるものや、地面を眺めれば、今まさに落ちたばかりのものから、朽ちて、今にも地面と同化しようとしているものまで。 私にとっては葉っぱや木の実や小さな果物たちがいちばんわかりやすいです。
そういうわけで、森に行って地面を眺めると、命の秘密がわかるかもしれません。 一つの命は、実はさまざまな命の欠片から成る集大成で、個々に存在するものではないのかも。 そんなことを生まれ朽ちていく植物たちを眺めながら考えております。
If you ever get lost, heading into the woods might be a good idea. In the woods, big or small, you can find everything.
Looking up at the sky and contemplating the vast universe is a wonderful experience, but digging into the microscopic world, you might find an expansive universe there too.
Take leaves, for example. Tiny nuts, small fruits. Those that cling to branches or those you see on the ground—some freshly fallen, others decaying, almost merging with the earth. For me, leaves, nuts, and small fruits are the most understandable.
I feel like the world operates under the same principles, whether in the micro or macro.
So, going into the woods and gazing at the ground might reveal the secrets of life. A single life might actually be a culmination of various life fragments, not individual entities. Pondering this while observing the birth and decay of plants.
The forest I often visit and love is the forest in Ooshika Village, Nagano Prefecture. It might be worth a visit for those who love camping. It's a rich forest where Japanese black bears inhabit. The foliage is amazing, really.