2022.08.05 12:07
you know the theme as time gone by is true story of any okami life of last capital of
japan is no more power for indicate that last to future.
my desk top is
∭ or defferencial is line and particle of 5-6 saft iby maxwell ecaution .
space make by 2line but the wall out is nothing but pad to other point is make result
of subertel so change to grey names grey.
you know the mission as te grey is any thinkings no one know his direction.
red beauty is hundret torii.
厳島の鬼が言うことは、壇ノ浦の雅。 だが、奇襲の熱盛。
エラリークイーンの言う、トリックにここは西安。始皇帝のすべては、この秦、三国、隋、唐、周に。順が解らない。 始皇帝。 のいう国とは。根津美術館は有料です。