Carpet should be vacuumed or swept frequently
Carpet should be vacuumed or swept frequently, particularly when the area is exposed to sand or dirt. You should use prompt attention to household stains and have the appropriate cleaning supplies on hand. Spills should be treated immediately, in order to protect the carpeting from staining. You should never rub the carpet when something has spilled or this will make it more difficult to remove the stain. You should use a dry, absorbent material such as a cloth or towel to blot and absorb the stain onto the cloth or towel.
Avoid excessive wetting of the carpet with water or whatever cleaning solution you are using to treat the stain. Otherwise, you will cause the stain to penetrate deeper into the carpet fibers and can lead odor and mildew to set in. Do not walk on the carpet if it is damp, but rather let the carpet dry from the cross-ventilation in the home or smooth the carpet area and use a hand-held hair dryer or fan to dry the area that was cleaned.
Powdered laundry detergent will protect the carpet from staining because it will absorb the stain rather than soak into the stain. Using a clean toothbrush, you will need to move the detergent around the area of where the stain needs to be absorbed. Never rub the stain, as it will only allow the stain to penetrate deeper into the carpet fibers and this can cause damage to the carpet's backing and reduce the life of the carpet. Once you see the stain has been absorbed into the detergent, scoop it up with a kitchen spoon ladle. Allow the carpet to dry and then vacuum thoroughly.
Foamy shaving cream should be applied to the carpet when you are treating household stains such as coffee, tea, blood, ketchup, spaghetti sauce or any tomato-based stain. Using a clean toothbrush, you will move the shaving cream around in the area of the stain. Do not rub the stain, but allow the foam to bring the stain to the surface and you can then scoop it up with a kitchen spoon ladle. Rinse the area with cold water, but do not soak the area. Then blot the area with a clean cloth or Color non-woven fabric towel. Allow the carpet to dry naturally or use a hand-held hair dryer or fan to dry the area.