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John: An Expositional Commentary by R.C. Sproul on Audiobook New

2022.08.12 22:12

John: An Expositional Commentary by R.C. Sproul

Ebooks mobile phones free download John: An Expositional Commentary in English RTF MOBI ePub by R.C. Sproul

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Download John: An Expositional Commentary

Ebooks mobile phones free download John: An Expositional Commentary in English RTF MOBI ePub by R.C. Sproul

If you start at the beginning of the New Testament and read straight through, first you’ll find three similar accounts of Jesus’ life. Then you come to the gospel of John. From recounting Jesus’ signs to recording His famous I am statements, John puts a spotlight on Jesus’ redemptive work so that others will believe and be saved. In this volume, Dr. R.C. Sproul provides an introduction to John in his accessible, conversational style. Each chapter is packed with insights and exhortations to draw you closer to the life and light of the Savior. Dr. Sproul’s expositional commentaries help you understand key theological themes and apply them to all areas of your life. Drawn from decades of careful study and delivered from a pastor’s heart, these sermons are readable, practical, and thoroughly Bible-centered. Here is your opportunity to learn from a trusted teacher and theologian as he leads you through God’s Word and shares his perspective on living faithfully for God’s glory. This is a series to serve pastors, small groups, and growing Christians who want to know the Bible better.

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