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PDF [DOWNLOAD] Connection is Healing: A 31 day

2022.08.20 13:15

Connection is Healing: A 31 day Miscarriage and Pregnancy loss space holding journal. Ashleie Elaine

Connection is Healing: A 31 day Miscarriage and Pregnancy loss space holding journal

ISBN: 9798765535202 | 102 pages | 3 Mb
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Read download books online free Connection is Healing: A 31 day Miscarriage and Pregnancy loss space holding journal in English PDF by Ashleie Elaine 9798765535202


Connection is Healing, is a holding space journal for women who have experienced miscarriage and pregnancy loss. In my healing journey, what I found was that grief challenged me to heal different but tap into a different part of me. What I once knew, wasn't enough. It was time to go deeper into what real self care and self awareness was for me and how I can heal through reconnecting with my body, my community and staying connected with my baby. The goal of this journal, no matter when you lost your baby, not matter their stage or age, is that you find ways to reconnect with yourself and your body through intentional journaling, body scanning and reflecting daily on where you felt connected to your world, the experiences, the people in it and when you felt connected to your baby and how it made you feel. Gratitude and patience are a gift in grief. There isn't an end to the journey, but we are blessed to gain an angel we didn't know we needed to teach us more about the woman we are meant to be.

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