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PDF [DOWNLOAD] Fearless Schools: Building Trust

2022.08.27 00:49

Fearless Schools: Building Trust and Resilience for Learning, Teaching, and Leading by Douglas Reeves

Free download books for kindle touch Fearless Schools: Building Trust and Resilience for Learning, Teaching, and Leading by Douglas Reeves

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Fearless Schools: Building Trust and Resilience for Learning, Teaching, and Leading

Free download books for kindle touch Fearless Schools: Building Trust and Resilience for Learning, Teaching, and Leading by Douglas Reeves

What does it take to have fearless schools? It starts with psychological safety-students, teachers, and leaders who know that mistakes are the source of learning, not shame or embarrassment. In order for great learning to take place, we first must build the trust and resilience needed to produce fearless students, teachers, and leaders-and ultimately create fearless schools. "If we are truly going to make schools inviting places for all students to come to and flourish, then the status quo, the 'normal,' is not good enough. To build the trust, the collegiality, the aspirational expectations among educators for this to happen-we need to be fearless. Doug Reeves outlines the conditions for such fearlessness: not tolerating mediocrity, confronting reality over wishful thinking, listening and candor, and resilience and learning together from errors. Written with passion, this book invites you to develop the courage to create schools that are fearless such that all (educators and students) are improving, aspiring, and are part of a learning organization." -John Hattie, Emeritus Laureate Professor, Melbourne Graduate School of Education; Chair, Board of the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership "In Fearless Schools, Dr. Reeves tackles an urgent issue facing our children and the staff members who work with them. Fear of the virus, fear of change, and even fear of interacting with others will create a critical need to address these fears, reduce anxiety, and generally tend to the social and emotional health of children and staff." -Chris Lee Nicastro, PhD, former Commissioner of Education, State of Missouri

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(This book cannot be returned.) Description. What does it take to have fearless schools? It starts with psychological safety-students, teachers, 
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Produktinfo. Författare Douglas Reeves. Undertitel Building trust and resilience for learning, teaching, and leading. ISBN 9781954744219. Språk Engelska. Vikt 

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