

2022.07.19 16:59

Despite its short history in the research of it, genetic engineering will bring about a great benefit to our society. Specifically, this technology is instrumental in economic development, the alleviation of world hunger, and environmental preservation.

First of all, genetic engineering has been attracting investors around the world because of its possibility of creating a lucrative market. One of the big tech companies in the U.S. such as Krystal Biotech Inc, which is one of the major bio-tech company in the U.S., for example, has been successful in raking in a tremendous benefit and paying a huge amount of taxes, thus greatly contributes to the U.S. economy.

The reason why this technology can draw attention from various investors and make a large profit is attributed to its contribution to the alleviation of the most immediate problem we should tackle with, namely, the proper food distribution. Genetically modified foods, for example, can play a vital role in solving food shortage problems in third world countries. GM foods can be transported without going rotten since they are highly resistant against harmful pests and hellish weather.

Moreover, Genetic engineering contributes to the environmental preservation. Genetically modified bacteria, for example, has a feature of biodegrading contaminants, which can be used in removing carcinogens and pollutants in soil and sea.

In conclusion, its contribution to the economy, environmental protection as well as the alleviation of hunger in developing countries, genetic engineering will brightly spotlight our future.




