【告知協力】HKUST DiMBA Tokyo Information Session & Student Sharing
HKUST Digital MBA for Global Leaders Tokyo Information Session and Student Sharing(開催日時:2022年10月2日(日)14時00分~16時00分)についてご案内いたします。
「HKUST Digital MBA for Global Leadersについて」
1st Digital MBA in Asia
Through its advanced education technologies and flexible study mode, DiMBA allows students to have full control of their learning beyond the limitations of time, place and pace.
Join us at this insider's sharing session to hear from our DiMBA current students on how they prepared themselves during the MBA application process and their experience in the program so far.
「HKUST DiMBA公式サイト」
どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。MBA留学カウンセラー 田山裕丈