Ameba Ownd


Fashion source: Daily Journal

【激変】姪(小5) meets カリスマ美容師。My niece meets charismatic hairdresser!

2022.09.29 08:16

「一度カリスマに切ってもらいなさい!」と、あまりにも髪の量が多い2番目の姪、ことちゃんが、おばあちゃんに提案されまして、RITZ代官山 金井豊氏の予約を取りました。当日は、おばさんが連れて行ってあげることになりました。

 ”You should have your hair cut by a charismatic hairdresser once!" suggested my second niece, Koto-chan, who has too much hair, to her grandmother, so she made an appointment with Mr. Yutaka Kanai at RITZ Daikanyama. On the day of the appointment, Auntie would take her there.

 I never expected a future where my niece would get a charismatic cut 17 years after my encounter with Mr. Kanai. And to have the chance to have a charismatic hairdresser cut her hair in grade 5, She is lucky!



 "I leave it completely up to him!" my niece said on the train to Daikanyama, but she was a little nervous.

 My niece grows her hair long when she has a ballet recital, but otherwise, she wears her hair in a big bun, which is typical for primary school students. However, for someone with too much volume, it seems to be hard for her to wear her hair in a big bun, and her hair seems to explode every morning. She says it takes a long time to fix it. Would a charismatic cut solve such problems?


 滅多に小学生のカットをしない金井さんは、「小学生って、結構結んでいる子多いよね。どんな髪型なんだろう?」とおっしゃったので、「小学生 女子 髪型」と画像検索をしてみたところ、「これにしよう」と、イメージが湧いたそうです。(早っ)

 Mr. Kanai, who rarely cuts primary school children, says: "A lot of primary schools children have their hair tied up. I wonder what kind of hairstyle they have?" So, I did an image search for 'primary school girls' hairstyles' and got an idea of what he wanted to do.


 First, shampoo and cut in wet conditions. After the dryer, "This is where it starts!" Mr. Kanai got into the swing of things. Then, the aunt silently filmed her niece's charismatic hairdresser debut video. The creative process of Mr. Kanai cutting in concentration mode is fun and somehow soothing. The cut alone took almost an hour. The whole process is summarized in this 6-minute video.


 Upon completion, my niece was " happy!" She said, "I'm glad she likes it!"

Before After です。顔の輪郭まで変化していました!整形級!(笑)

 Before and After. Even the contours of her face have changed! Plastic surgery level! (lol)


 3 shots. Her fringes are quite short, but the flow is connected to the sides and very natural. My niece was surprised at that too.


 On the way home, we stopped by Shibuya Hachiko as she wanted to see it. When I tried to take her photo in front of Hachiko, she said she was embarrassed, so we took a selfie together.


 She had also seen the Shibuya scramble crossing on YouTube, but this was the first time she had crossed it. As we were crossing, she saw "109" where the best place to go for unique and girly Japanese fashion and said, "I want to go inside 109 too!" and so she also made her debut at 109.


 It was just time for dinner, so we met up with everyone at the restaurant. She was glad that it was a big hit with everyone in the family. And somehow, the mushrooms on top of the "black black hamburger steak" mushrooms that she doesn't like to eat, she said "I could eat them now".



 Mr. Kanai also offers a ”junior cut' rate", so if you have a junior who is interested, please take him or her. It's nice to have the experience of being exposed to the best from childhood! Just mention my name and you can book Mr. Kanai!

 Thank you for giving my 11 year old a serious cut! I'd love to take her there again!