Ameba Ownd



What's What in Toxins??  ‼️The E-codes ‼️ 

2022.09.30 18:12

What's What in Toxins?? 

‼️The E-codes ‼️ 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Supermarket foraging for dystopian food choices, try and spot the toxins....

1. harmless additives:

E100, E101, E103, E104, E105, E111, E121, E126, E130, E132, E140, E151, E152, E160, E161, E162, E170, E174, E175, E180, E181, E200, E201, E202, E203, E236, E237, E233, E260, E261, E263, E270, E280, E281, E282, E290, E300, E301, E303, E305, E306, E307, E308, E309, E322, E325, E326, E327, E331, E333, E334, E335, E336, E337, E382, E400, E401, E402, E403, E404, E405, E406, E408, E410, E411, E413, E414, E420, E421, E422, E440, E471, E472, E473, E474, E475, E480

2. suspect additives:

E125, E141, E150, E153, E171, E172, E173, E240, E241, E477

3. hazardous additives:

E102, E110, E120, E124

4. health disorders:

* Intestinal disorder: e220, e221, e223, e224.

* Digestive disorder: E338, E339, E340, E341, E450, E461, E463, E465, E466, ice cream E407.

* Skin disorders: E230, E231, E232, E233

* Destruction of vitamin B12: E200

* Cholesterol: E320, E321

* Sensitivity of nerves: E311, E312

* Mouth rot: E330 is most dangerous (carcinogenic) (contained in e.g. SCWEPPES LEMON, AROMATIZED MUSTARDS, canned MUSHROOMS) 

5. carcinogenic additives:

E131, E142, E210, E211, E213, E214, E215, E216, E217, E239

ATTENTION: E123 is very CANCER CREATING❗️ Banned in the USA and CIS countries.

Pay special attention to these additives in the following foods: E123/E110, CAUTION❗️

( Jelly beans, SMARTIES, HARIBO wine gum, chocolate lentils, Some cream pudding, the IGLO fish sticks, KRAFT Dorahm with creme fraiche, KRAFT salami, cheese spread, vanilla pudding E102, E110, ready-made sauces of all kinds). [ all examples taken from a German selection of supermarket foods, so, to all budding Sherlockians, take your magnifying glasses out on your next shopping trip and find your own guided by the numbers ]


For guanylate and glutamate from E600 series, E605 - nerve poison.

> PLEASE: Pin up and apply❗️ < <

It's about your health and your children's health.

 Prevent the use of these additives by carefully choosing the products you buy. 

The buyer ultimately determines the makeup of the product. Think about the health of your children.

7. aluminum:

E173 (colorant aluminum), E520 (stabilizers aluminum sulfate) , E521 (aluminum sodium sulfate), E523 (aluminum ammonium sulfate), E554 (separating agent silica salts sodium aluminum silicate), E555 (potassium aluminum silicate), E556 (calcium aluminum silicate), E598 (calcium aluminate).

Aluminum in drinking water: waterworks use aluminum as a flocculating agent. 

Copy this list and distribute it among friends and acquaintances❗️.

Source: Children's Hospital Uni-Düsseldorf, Internet research.



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