Ameba Ownd


APU Beppaper

【Miss Universe】飯田葉月さんにインタビュー!!-1/2

2016.01.18 09:18

寒くなってきましたねえ・・・APUは特にこの時期寒いので、私も最近通うのが億劫になってきましたよ・・・ということで!! 寒さを吹き飛ばすために今HOTなあの人にインタビューしてきちゃいました! ミス・ユニバース・ジャパン大分代表の飯田葉月さんです。 コンテスト裏話から女子の皆さん必見の美の秘訣まで!たくさん聞いちゃいましたよ〜!みなさんにお伝えしたい内容があふれちゃったので、2回に分けてお送りします^^

Getting very cold recently.. So! We decided to interview a HOT person! Miss Universe Japan, Oita representative, Hazuki Iida! We asked about the contest and also a LOT about how to be beautiful! So ladies and gentlemen! We have many things we want to share with you, so this article will be divided into two parts!! Don't miss it!


葉月さん:飯田葉月APMの2回生です。出身は大分市、生まれは北九州です。 趣味は・・・散歩!



Beppaper: So please introduce yourself!

Hazuki: I’m APM 2nd year student, Hazuki Iida. I was born in Oita city, grew up in Kitakyushu. My hobby is walking around in nature. I love Beppu's coastline!




B: Can you tell us about the contest?

H: Well, it’s a contest that decides beautiful girls (not only outer beauty, but it also tests intelligence, aestheticism, humanity, and confidence). It is worldwide contest, and I went to Oita representative of Miss Universe Japan! There were 16 finalists in Oita, and one person is selected for first prize, and two people for 2nd prize. I was awarded both the first prize and second prize!

B: Wow, winning double! Congratulations!!



編:スポンサーの方に直接声をかけられるなんてすごいですね!! なんと葉月さん身長が175cmもあるそうです!抜群のプロポーション!!他のファイナリストさんたちと並んでも頭一つ分ほど飛び出ています。かっこいいですね。

B: So how and why did you compete in the contest?

H: Well, I was scouted by the sponsor. He asked my age and where I’m from, and also my height. I was surprised at first. But then he asked me if I’m interested in joining the contest, so I decided to apply.

B: Wow, you got recruited directly from sponsor! Hazuki’s height is 175cm! Very tall for a Japanese woman.




B: So what kind of effort did you put in to before the contest?

H: I participated in Beauty camp for one month. I learned walking, writing, nutrition, cooking, and personal colors after school. There were so many sponsors so these lessons were all free too! I got a lot of presents too. I’m still in the beauty camp for the next contest in Japan. Recently, I’m doing Pilates, physical fitness system developed to enhance flexibility and body strength, also to lose weight. Sometimes body builders

B: wow you learn new things every day! Thanks to all the sponsors!





B: Can you tell us about Miss Universe “behind the scenes”? Did you think you’d be chosen for Oita representative?

H: Well I was the tallest, so I had a hope. But then that broke down when I participated in the Beauty Camp. There were models who were good at walking and I was worried.

B: Oh I see, Beauty Camp seems hard… Were there times when you cried?

H: Many times! One of the coach said, “This year’s finalists suck!” and that really hurt… and I really considered quitting when she said, “You can’t think like you’re a student. You have to live up to the name “Miss Universe.” You really have to put everything you got into this competition!” But then I realized that I wasn’t putting every effort in, and I was just complaining that I was just a student. So because of those harsh words, I could really change my mind in focusing on doing my best.



B: Wow, harder that we all expected! How did you feel when you finally win Oita competition?

H: Well, I was wearing blue dress, and they first announced 3rd place and 2nd place and coincidentally, both were wearing blue, so I thought they won’t chose another blue dress. Ahaha I don’t really know what I was thinking, but I was so so surprised when they said “Number 15!” Former Miss told me that I looked really dumb, because my face was so blank. Ahaha I couldn’t believe it was happening for real, and so I didn’t even cry too!


So this is it for today! There were so many effort put into for her to get selected as Oita Representative of Miss Universe! The next article will talk about her diet and further activities for the Miss Universe Award ^ ^ 


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