Ameba Ownd


Blogger's Ownd

The Sum of One and One Equals Eleven

2022.10.05 09:08

Based on mathematical rules, every mind will believe that adding one to one equals two. And it is correct, but the title's significance is related to the tenacity of living species. Animals, like humans, grow in strength as they reproduce.

Imagine that only one lion attacks the herd of Jackals with his power and fear as an example of unity. The combined strength of the herd has a high chance of injuring or killing him on the loin. Even Loin, the king of the jungle, is overwhelmed by the herd and falls victim to Jackal's unity. Loneliness is bad for loins in this case, while unity is good.

The scenario described above can also be applied to human lives. The solitary victim is the easiest to steal from. Thieves will think twice before attacking if two friends are out together. Because two people's strength equals eleven people's power.

The purpose of this piece is to convey the benefits of collaboration in conjunction with the commemoration of "World Join Hands Day." This day was established by the American Fraternal Alliance in collaboration with the Points of Light Foundation. Since the year 2000, this day has been designated as an international holiday. Everyone should put aside their ideological differences and collaborate.

The purpose of the day is to promote volunteerism and to bridge the gap between the old and young generations. Various events and platforms for both generations to share their volunteer experiences and ideas should be provided. The joining of the hands of old and young people will result in the formation of a global network. And, in the face of potential future challenges, the interactions and firmness will benefit humans all over the world.