Ameba Ownd


YosUke HaRaDa

Meaning of our Life

2022.10.08 19:25

Today I Talk about  

Meaning of our Life

what should U do for 100years?

my music first

music)  U love me forever

I Talk about  Meaning of our Life

Please watch

movie)  Meaning of our Life

We have spirit

We didn't know

Afterlife  Only spirit will go to Heaven

our 100years 

We will make Our spirit like Angels & God 

We will go Heaven afterlife.

This is Meaning of our Life

We have body & spirit

We can make our spirit growing up 

When we are alive.

We need body to make our spirit

growing up 


electricity has          + & -

magnet has        S pole & N pole

We need              body & spirit

to make our spirit growing up 


Only + it doesn't work

So we need  body & spirit

To make our spirit growing up 

If U go to Heaven

U have Only spirit

No body

So your spirit

Hard to growing up 

Like baby growing up in mom's body

We alive is like  in mom's body

Afterlife is outside of mom's body

Hard to growing up outside of mom's body

If U don't have eyes in mom's body

U can not get eyes after U get out from 

mom's body

So very important 

When U are in mom's body.

U have to growing up enough.

So afterlife

U can be perfect Human like Angle

Living for 100years is like 

baby in mom's body.


hard to growing up 

If U don't have hand 

Hard to get Hand after U born.

U need growing up enough When U are in mom's body.

It is Meaning 

Our 100years life

make our spirit like 

Angels & God 

We can make our spirit good in life Time

So Afterlife we can go to Heaven 

Higher place of Heaven

God is living

so you will be very happy forever

Afterlife we don't die

We live forever

So very important

What will We do in life Time

We can't go back Earth and life Time again.

But illuminati hide this information.

if We don't Connect to God in lifeTime

We can't go to Heaven.

But we lost Time

men & Women love & sex each other 


When U notice , you are old   

U can't nothing to do 

Work at illuminati's Company 


We can't use  Time for U.

Drink smoke


we lost Time too.

Time is important

But we didn't know

What should we do ?

So we lost Time.

Many People lost Time

illuminati tells men&Women's love

is important in movie & music

So we lost Time

We can't,connect to God 

If U   love Only men&Women 

Then  Afterlife U can't go to Heaven

SATans are waiting for U 

So we going to  lower Heaven or hell.


If U can't Connect to God  in lifetime

U can't go to Heaven

U can't Connect to God in lifetime

U can't go to Heaven

But we don't know 

Heaven is True or not

illuminati hiding this information

SATan want  go to hell  Human

It is Their job

They hate Human


U Wake up 

It's not Heaven.

So we must go to Heaven

Because It's forever

We live forever afterlife

Thankyou verymuch

see U again