Ameba Ownd



Love transcends time space-ウインザー城での独り言

2022.10.08 20:45

There is an English translation as below, This blog refers to way of thinking and my belief
thank you very much

9月8日にエリザベス女王が突然なくなった後、バッキンガム宮殿に弔問にいきました。その後、ウエストミンスター寺院での長蛇の列だったlying in the stateはさけて、国葬に参列しましたが、まともに女王の棺に手をあわすことができませんでした。日本かえる帰国日も近し、思い切ってエリザベス女王のお墓があるウインザー城のセントジョージ教会までいってきました。無事にご挨拶と手をあわせることができて、ほっとしています。



フィリップ殿下の遺言に、自分はエリザベス女王のお墓と一緒に入りたいから、女王が元気なうちはRoyal Vault(セントジョージ教会の中にある、棺をおく墓所)にいてほしいと依頼があったそうです。


On the day the Queen passed away, I soon visited the Buckingham Palace to pay my respect towards her. Then, I avoided the crowd of lying in the state, because I thought I could watch her coffin at the state of funeral, but I could not. Considering a situation of going home soon, 

I decided to visit a St George Chapel at Windsor Castle. I feel now relieved due I could say goodbye to her and bowed her great achievement, while her thoughtfulness to the people. 

It was fairly great weather when I visited the Windsor Casle. Although I made a mistake getting on the train, I had a very smooth journey to reach there. I feel she might call me. 

It was not long queue to visit the tombstone of the Queen of Elizabeth. There was only 30 minutes or more. Inside the church, it was really beautiful sculpture of pillar of the church and there was light through stained glasses. I had been soaked with a sacred atmosphere. The tombstone of Elizabeth and Philip were buried with her mother and father peacefully. 

According to the will of Philip, he said he would like to be in the tombstone with Elizabeth. 

Until it will happen, he soon accepted to be in a royal vault which is a place of buried body

when he passed away. I feel Philip was looking forward to seeing his beloved wife in the heaven. While the Queen kept alive, she mostly values bonding couples and expands family one as well. Bonding connects with our love and Their love absolutely transcends time space really 

a portrait at the Windsor castle

The queue before the St. George Chapel 

a plush toy of Corgi 

A photo at Windsor castle
