また、2日目の公開シンポジウムでは、高木さん(JSPS特別研究員)が「ここまでわかったネコの認知」というタイトルで発表しました。Gather Townを用いたコミュニケーションもでき、大変有意義な時間でした。
<M2 平澤さん: poster>
P-12 Social functions of gaze between dogs and humans using heart rate variability analysis
<M2 飯泉さん: poster>
P-15 Examining whether dogs make behavioral choices with reference to cohabiting dogs and owners, and the factors that influence the choices
<B4 石尾さん: poster> 学部生は日本語発表
P-17 イヌのネオテニー様行動と内分泌の関連
<M2 古山さん: poster>
P-26 A long-term study of the influences of dog ownership on physio-emotional changes in owners and dogs
<M1 小笠原さん: poster>
P-42 The effect of the presence of dogs on family relationships and its correlation with adolescence's prosociality
<B4 大黒さん: poster>
P-45 イヌのヒトと類似した社会認知能力と内分泌の関連解析
<JSPS特別研究員 斎藤さん: poster>
P-47 Oxytocin receptors associated with empathic social behavior
<D1 篠田さん: poster>
P-51 Comparison of exploitation/exploration between Japanese and European dog breeds using concurrent visual discrimination task
<M2 宍倉さん: poster>
P-52 Improvement of behavioral problems in dogs by oral administration of Limosilactobacillus reuteri and its effects on owners
<M2 高橋さん: poster>
P-58 Physiological factors were differently associated with affiliative behavior depending on environmental temperature in domestic cats