七十歳になりました!|I turned seventy! |Yasuhiko Tanaka|Happy today, happy tomorrow! 2022.10.31 15:00 ありがとうございます。元気に70歳になりました!Thank you. I turned 70 in good health! 唐突ですが!婚約時代のパートナーとわたしです。It's abrupt! My partner and I when we were engaged. わたしのお目付役。27年間ズーッと43歳です(笑)!My caretaker. She lived in me for 27 years and she is still 43 now! いっしょに、70歳を迎えたかったね!I wanted to celebrate my 70th birthday with you! みなさん!これからもよろしくお願いします!Everyone! I look forward to working with you! About Me