【13th week 16/09/17 - 22/09/17】
Apparently three months have passed since I came here, which makes me feel weird. For me, it was both short and long months. Anyway, I’m so glad that I’ve been well without any health problems or accidents.
As I wrote, I’ve started studying at the exam course from last week. And I’ve obviously found that it’s gonna be so hard and worthwhile term. I have wonderful colleagues who can speak well and can express their opinions with loads of vocabularies. I’m this kind of person who tends to compare to others, so I couldn’t have a confidence this week, actually. However, fortunately, when I lose confidence I am always supported by words given my companies.
“You should have one specific aspect which you won’t lose anybody.”
“Speaking long isn’t always good. Short and clear sentence is the best.”
“I’d say you should look not only the present state but also the rate of your growth.”
Thanks for these words, I have certain feeling which I will manage it.
By the way, I’ve seen a video clip of Japanese high school’s dance club, which seems to be so popular in Japan now. I can’t help watching this movie, and I think it’s because I can feel “Japanese youth” through this clip. I’m thinking of practicing this dance for showing my Japanese friends when I go back to Japan!
話は変わって、先週You tubeで日本の高校のダンス部の動画を発見しました。バブル風ダンスで、息がぴったりそろった全力ダンスで今日本で話題になっているとのこと。何度も繰り返して見てしまうのは、「日本の青春」感がたっぷりつまってるからだろうなぁと思います。他の国の子に聞くと体育祭や文化祭がない国がほとんどみたいで、日本のこの部活や学校行事の雰囲気は独特なんだろうなぁ。そう思うと、日本で教師として高校生たちと一緒に泣いたり笑ったりして部活や行事に取り組めるのは幸せなことだな、日本に生まれてよかったなぁと思います。笑 日本に帰ったときのためにこのダンス練習しようかなと思います。笑
【Words & Phrases】
★(動)vouch:「(人物・性格などを)保証する」。vouch for someoneの形で使う。
★(名)cram school:「塾」。crammedは「ぎっしりの」という意味。アジアの塾事情にヨーロッパの子達はビックリしてました。
