Up to You

【16th week 07/10/17 - 13/10/17 】

2017.10.16 03:00

What's the meaning of studying English as native Japanese speakers?

How to set goals and objectives for this?

Recently I've been thinking these sorts of things.

Seeing a lot of students from all over the world and hearing about different kinds of education systems, I can't stop wondering that how I should teach as English teacher in Japan.

I don't want Japanese students to think that things which they learnt at English lessons in high school are useless in the real situation. Besides that, I wanna be a teacher who can make my students have confidence of their abilities of English(not only grammar but also speaking).

Before going back to Japan, I'm sure that I'll definitely find my exact aim of teaching English to Japanese. Next week, I'm having interview from teacher who's gonna decide whether I will be able to join teaching course or not. Hope do it well...!

This weekend, I had my hair cut by Japanese hair dresser who is working in London now. She is from Fukuoka, so we enjoyed talking about some local places. I hope my hair won't lose the colour...











【Words & Phrases】

★crack on with〜:「どんどん進める」。仕事などに使う。


★stand rooted to the spot:「その場に立ち尽くす」。授業で習ってすぐ、今読み返してるHarry Potterの中で出てきておぉ!と思った。



★You are always welcome:「いつでも大歓迎だよ」。alwaysをつけるだけでYou're welcomeから意味がガラリと変わる。

The best brownie in the whole world, Tanya!

