Up to You

【18th week 21/10/17 – 27/10/17 】

2017.10.29 03:00

Today(28th) is the end of the summer time, which means we have to put our clocks an hour back. I’m delighted that I can put them back, not forward.

This weekend, we went to Cambridge as a school excursion. I’m not this kind of person who often regret decisions I made. However, this trip made me feel sorry for not having studied abroad as an uni or a college student. I’d say this is one of the most beautiful cities I’ve been to. The atmosphere was totally different from other cities, and it was rather calm than crowded. We’ve done river punting as well, which was quite interesting and comfortable more than we imagined. I’m sure I’ll visit here again, pretended to be a real student!

Recently, I’ve realised that I can’t live without music. To be honest, I do miss Japanese karaoke! lol This week, I had a sudden urge to sing like karaoke as we normally do in Japan, so I asked my Japanese friend who can play the guitar to have a small gig after school. We sang what we wanted, as I did with my students, colleagues and sisters in Japan. I didn’t expect that the song of Kazumasa Oda made me so emotional! Now I’ve got a lot of English songs which I want to sing with my future students, so I’ll have mastered how to play the guitar by the time I go back to Japan!




そして最近、「やっぱり音楽無しでは生きていけないなぁ」とひしひし感じます。今週どうしてもカラオケのようなことがしたい衝動にかられて、日本人のギターが弾ける友達にお願いして、放課後好きなだけ歌ったり弾いたりしました。日本で生徒や同僚の方や妹達とやっていたのと同じように。小田和正を歌っていたらサウジアラビアの友達に「今にも泣き出しそうだね」と突っ込まれました。笑 やはり母国語は最強です。



【Words & Phrases】


★ (名) rhythm:「リズム」。

★ (名) questionnaire:「アンケート」。

★ (名) millennium:「千年(期)」。

★ (名) unavailability:「利用できないこと」。

★ (名) accommodation:「宿泊設備」。

★ (動) exaggerate:「(悩みを)大げさに言う」。

★ (形) influential:「有力な」。

★ (形) irresistible:「抵抗できない、魅力的な」。


★speak one's mind : 「思ったことを直接言う」

★get a word in edgeways : 「何かしら言うチャンス」が無いという文脈で使われる。

★make a scene : 「声を立てて騒ぐ」

★mull over : 「熟考する」

★Practise what you preach. : 「有言実行」。preachは説教するという意味。

★Take the plunge : 「際どいことを思い切ってする」。日本語で言う「清水の舞台から飛び降りる」。

★take aback : 非常に驚く。

Typical photo spot!


Photo by Livio Gisler ♪ That's insane!!



