Up to You

【19th week 28/10/18 – 03/11/17】

2017.11.08 03:00

Four months have already passed since I came here, which sounds weird for me. I feel like I wrote “Three months have already passed…” a few days ago!

This weekend was celebration of Guy Fawkes Day, an annual commemoration in Britain. We went to see bonfire night fireworks display as local people did. I suppose these kinds of festivals show us a lot of cultural aspects.

What I found intriguing was stalls, we call "Yatai" in Japan. It was quite interesting for me because I had to queue 30 minutes to buy a glass of wine! (Actually they had only one stall for each product.) What’s more, people tried to go through the queue kept saying “Sorry, just scrape through here". I was glad to know that they used "scrape through", which we learnt in a lesson previously. Well, seeing bonfire with mulled wine and mince pies, I definitely felt like I was in the UK. It was so embarrassing that I got a hangover the next day, even if I only had a glass of wine and Smirnoff!

Recently, I had a dream in English. I had imagined something special, but it was quite simple; I talked with my classmates in English. I reckon it’s a good sign and I hope I’ll keep dreaming in English…(I had a dream about Japanese food yesterday though!)



今週末はガイ・フォークス・デイというこちらのお祭りだったので、地元の人に混じってたき火を囲んで花火を見てきました。面白かったのは屋台。1杯のホットワインにたどり着くために30分以上並ぶという。日本は一つのメニューがいろんなところに出店してあるから並ばなくてすむんだなぁと気づいたり。向こう側に渡りたい人が列を横切る時に「ごめん通る(scrape through)だけなの」と連呼してて、こういうタイミングで使うのねこの熟語は!となったり。何より、ホットワインとミンスパイをお供にボーボー燃えるたき火を見てると、違う国にいるんだなあとひしひし感じました。ちょこっとのお酒で二日酔いになってしまった自分が情けない。

そして最近、初めて英語で夢を見ました。待ちわびていた割に、内容はいたってシンプルで学校の友達と英語でしゃべるというものでした。かと思えば昨日は、日本で肉じゃがや切り干し大根を頬張って「久しぶりだー!」って感動してるところで目が覚めました。笑 また色んな夢見れたらいいなと思います。


【Word & Phrases】

★only a stone's throw from : 「近く」。石投げたら当たる距離というところから。(e.g.)I live in only a stone's throw from Zurich.

★good-natured :「親切な」。

★intriguing : 「面白い」。


★steep :「高価な」。








