Ameba Ownd


Shirahada Lab.

EcoBalance 2022

2022.11.07 01:10


EcoBalance 2022という,ライフサイクルアセスメント系の国際会議にて,サービスマネジメントの観点,ロードマッピングの展開の観点で,下記の講演をしてきました.Organized sessionを企画頂いた,NTT・原様,お声がけ頂いた東大・木下先生に感謝申し上げます.


Organizational/Collective futures literacy in a well-being economy era

Companies are shifting their objectives and purposes from an emphasis on economic value to a contribution to the formation of multidimensional well-being that includes positive impacts on society, the environment, and individual lives. In this so-called “well-being economy” (Fioramonti et al., 2022), it is important for actors in both profit- and non-profit-oriented organizations to form an attitude to think about their own products and services while considering well-being from a collective perspective with a future time axis, and to take actions in a collaborative manner to realize their ideal value propositions. This indicates the need to renew the concept of “futures literacy” proposed by UNESCO in 2012 indicating the basic ability to imagine the future and review one's own behavior by using that imagined future, from the perspective of organization and well-being. In this talk, I will propose the concept of organizational futures literacy and discuss its potential for creating corporate value in the age of well-being economy based on the perspectives of well-being-oriented service research (Transformative Service Research), knowledge management study in a social context, and roadmapping study focusing on well-being that I have been engaged in.

Fioramonti, L., Coscieme, L., Costanza, R., Kubiszewski, I., Trebeck, K., Wallis, S., Roberts, D., et al. (2022), “Wellbeing economy: An effective paradigm to mainstream post-growth policies?”, Ecological Economics, Vol. 192, p. 107261.

Keywords: Well-being, Organizational futures literacy, Transformative service, Knowledge management, Roadmapping
