Ameba Ownd


SenseFoil PTE.LTD.

RoboHansa (collabrate with Everblue Technologies)

2022.09.13 10:49

The RoboHansa (AST-231) is an autonomous sailing drone modeled after the inclusive Hansa Class sailboat. In September 2022, it will undergo a 22 km autonomous sailing test between Hayama and Zushi. RoboHansa is not only being developed as an autonomous passenger/cargo sailboat but also as a tool to aid in sailing for all individuals.

RoboHansa (AST-231)は、インクルーシブなヨットであるハンザ級をベースとした自律航行型ドローンです。2022年9月に葉山~逗子間で22kmの自律航行実験mに成功しました。RoboHansaは、自律型旅客・貨物用ヨットとしてだけでなく、あらゆる人のヨット操船を補助・帆走能力を拡張するツールとして可能性を持っています。

As part of the "Smart Island Promotion Demonstration and Research Project", an unmanned sailboat drone demonstration was conducted on September 23, 2022 at the Port of Sakata in Sakata City, Yamagata Prefecture.
