Juniper JNCIS-SP JN0-363 actual questions
Juniper JNCIS-SP JN0-363 actual questions Share
Which configuration selling prohibits a static route from being redistributed by a dynamic routing protocol?
A. route-filter
B. no-readvertise
C. qualified-next-hop
D. passive
Answer: B
Which new field is added to an IPv6 header as compared lo IPv4?
A. version
B. checksum
C. fragment offset
D. flow label
Answer: D
Which BGP attribute Is used to detect touting loops?
A. AS path
C. local preference
D. next hop
Answer: A
Which statement is correct about IS-IS?
A. IS-IS is a distance vector routing protocol.
B. IS-IS is a path vector routing protocol.
C. IS-IS is a link-state routing protocol.
D. IS-IS is a classful routing protocol.
Answer: C
You are asked to create connections between routing instances on the same Junos device and route between the connected Instances.
What are two ways to accomplish this task? (Choose two.)
A. Use physical interfaces.
B. Use an IRB interface.
C. Use logical tunnel interfaces.
D. Use loopback interfaces.
Answer: A,B
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