Ameba Ownd



火星最接近(Mars Closest Approach)

2022.12.03 06:22

 2022/12/2 20:34:16に撮影した最接近1日後の火星です。

(写真データ:2022/12/2 20:34:16,クック25cm屈折望遠鏡FL:3750mm,ZWO ASI183MC,バーダーUV/IRカットフィルター,sharpcapで9244枚動画撮像,ステライメージ9.0kで上位20%をスタック)


 This is Mars one day after its closest approach, taken on 2022/12/2 20:34:16.

(Photo data: 2022/12/2 20:34:16, Cooke 25cm refractor FL: 3750mm, ZWO ASI183MC, Baader UV/IR cut filter, 9244 video images taken with sharpcap, top 20% stacked in Stellar Image 9.0k)

 The Aquidalia Sea south of the North Polar Cap, the Claws of Alin, the Pearl Sea, the Persian Sea, and the Solar Lake in the south central region are visible in blackness.




 (Cited by Stella Navigator 11/AstroArts)

 The Cooke 25cm refractor telescope was built in 1923. At this time, the refracting telescope's main object of observation was Mars.

 The lens of the Cooke 25cm refractor produces a purple chromatic aberration in the image. This is noticeable on the Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn, but on the surface of Mars, it seems to help improve the contrast.