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DOWNLOAD [PDF] {EPUB} Write Moves: A Creative Writing Guide and Anthology by Nancy Pagh

2022.12.14 11:08

Write Moves: A Creative Writing Guide and Anthology. Nancy Pagh

Write Moves: A Creative Writing Guide and Anthology

ISBN: 9781554812264 | 375 pages | 10 Mb
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Write Moves is an invitation for the student to understand and experience creative writing in the larger frame of humanities education. The practical instruction offered comes in the form of “moves” or tactics for the apprentice writer to try. But the title also speaks to a core value of this project: that creative writing exists to move us. The book focuses on concise, human-voiced instruction in poetry, the short story, and the short creative nonfiction essay. Emphasis on short forms allows the beginning student to appreciate lessons in craft without being overwhelmed by lengthy model texts; diverse examples of these genres are offered in the anthology.

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