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Download Pdf Drawing Animal Portraits in Coloured Pencil by Lisa Ann Watkins, Lisa Ann Watkins

2022.12.23 16:33

Drawing Animal Portraits in Coloured Pencil by Lisa Ann Watkins, Lisa Ann Watkins

Scribd ebooks free download Drawing Animal Portraits in Coloured Pencil (English Edition) CHM iBook FB2

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Scribd ebooks free download Drawing Animal Portraits in Coloured Pencil (English Edition) CHM iBook FB2


A masterclass in producing lifelike animals with colored pencils. Domestic animals are an eternally popular subject for art, and present unique challenges to the artist. Lisa Ann Watkins has made a career of teaching her colored pencil techniques to capture character and realism in her art. A section on materials covers colored pencils, watercolor pencils (wet and dry), and PanPastels. A chapter on character shows how to capture the best reference photographs to work from; information on anatomy – eyes, bone structure, fur direction – and notes on tools/apps that can be used to help with tonal values. Clear simple techniques are then presented through short exercises that focus on a particular technique or effect selected by the author from her experience teaching, such as a cat’s eye. Answer to common technical question from students/followers that cover unique aspects of the medium such as the amount of pressure to use. A series of step-by-step projects then follows, including cat, dog, donkey and a baby animal.

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