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2022.12.27 21:02

Save Every Life You Can: A Reflection on Leadership and Saving Lives during the COVID-19 Pandemic by Richard A. Stone M.D., Richard A. Stone M.D.

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"Save Every Life You Can." - A reflection on leadership and saving lives during the COVID-19 pandemic. Richard A. Stone MD is the former Deputy Surgeon General of the United States Army. He returned to government service to lead the Veterans Health Administration at the Department of Veterans Affairs in 2018. Brought on as a proven changemaker and experienced leader in an inflection point for the agency. He had no idea his tenure would be defined by the public health challenge of our lifetime. This memoir describes the extraordinary challenges the agency faced and the personal stories of his team as they worked against the clock in a pandemic unique in more than 100 years. It describes the principles of leadership that informed and guided Dr. Stone, and his thoughts on what we learned as a nation about health care delivery as we prepare for the next once-in-a-hundred-year crisis. Dr. Richard Stone has served in a myriad of leadership positions over his more than 40 years as a medical doctor. He is a combat experienced veteran having served in Afghanistan during an Army career that culminated in his service as the US Army Deputy Surgeon General. Dr Stone was called back to Federal service as the Executive in Charge and Acting Under Secretary of the Veterans Health Administration serving for more than three years as the leader of Americas largest health care system through the most challenging health crisis in more than one hundred years.

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