Japanese Club

総まとめ 第3週 5日目 説明文 問題

2022.12.28 18:41




終日・・all day     つつある ・・becoming  なってきていると同じですが、もっとかたい

年々 ・・each and every year.

~ところが ほとんどである =ほとんどのところが~である most places, virtually

せまくなっている (せまい - small space)   be shrinking


Also, some areas require people to pay a fine if they smoke in the streets.

それに反して On the contrary,

厄介な煙がつきもの smoking creates cumbersome smoke that spreads through the air.


Lately, the phrases “Designated Smoking Areas” and “No Smoking At Any Time” are becoming the norm in Japan. Smoking is now prohibited in virtually all trains, hotels, and public facilities. Even within companies, the areas where people can smoke seem to be shrinking each and every year. Some communities have even instituted fines for those who smoke tobacco in the streets.

These changes have met with strong disapproval from smokers, who question why tobacco is vilified but alcohol is permitted. Upon careful consideration, however, the difference between the two is clear. While an intoxicated person can be a nuisance to those around them, the alcohol itself does not have a direct impact on the health of nearby individuals. Conversely, cigarettes inevitably create annoying smoke that diffuses throughout the air and enters the lungs of others in the area.

Rather than the foul smell or hazy atmosphere, this is the primary reason why smokers are detested.