Ayako Yamanaka Works/山中綾子

自殺パラソル/Suicide Parasol

2023.01.04 18:52

※自殺を含めた死生観についての文章が続きます。ご気分を害しましたら申し訳ありません。 またお気落ちされている方は読むことを推奨いたしません。 

*Sentences about views on life and death, including suicide, continue. I'm sorry if I offended you. We do not recommend reading if you are discouraged. 


死へ駆られる気持ちはいつからあったでしょうか。 駆られたところで死を間近に感じると反射のように生きようとしてしまう程度のものなのだと思います。それでもいつでも私は消えてしまいたいし、生まれてこないほうがよかったと思っているのです。


生まれてここまでの時間で多くのものをあきらめ、手放しました。本や長文が読めなくなり、歌を聞けなくなりました。乗り物に乗れなくなり、旅行はおろか日常の移動もわずかな距離になりました。 それでも、痛む身体を騙しながら私が生き続けるのは結局のところ自分から死ぬのが怖いというだけであって、大きな力でもって終わりが与えられるのを待つ日々を送っているのです。


 When I was in elementary school, there was a time when I was blown up into the sky when I had an umbrella on a typhoon day. I was confused and surprised as I didn't know what had happened. I felt a floating sensation as if my abdomen was flipped over. Fear that you can't breathe from the impatience of what will happen from now on. I remember the pain of falling and hitting my knees and hips. Sometimes I think back to what would have happened if I had flown away with that umbrella.

 "Since when did I start feeling driven to death?" I think it's to the extent that I try to live like a reflex when I feel death close at hand. Still, I always want to disappear and wish I had never been born. 

 The human body is mysterious and beautiful, but sometimes very inconvenient. Ever since I was born, my handicapped body has been in a lot of wobbly pains and won't move the way I want it to. As I continued to endure the pain and troubles in my body every day, I came to think that I wanted to be freed from the cage of the body that felt pain. Imprisoned in a cage, the only thing I can do is imagine. I am saved by building a world in my imagination that is impossible in reality. There, my body is as light as if it had been released from gravity, just like someone else's, and moves beautifully without pain or scars.

 "In the time since I was born, I have given up and let go of many things." I couldn't read books or long sentences, and I couldn't listen to songs. I can no longer ride a vehicle, and my daily trips, let alone travel, are only a short distance away. Even so, the reason why I continue to live while deceiving my aching body is that I am afraid of dying myself. I spend my days waiting for the end to be given by someone (or something).

 And another reason why I continue to live is because I couldn't let go of painting. I painted this picture imagining that I would hold onto it until the very end like an umbrella handle, surrender myself to the big wind that gently rises, and return to the shining particles someday.