薬のモチーフ/Medicine motif
生まれた時から医療と薬がなければ生きられず、今もたくさんの薬が必要な生活をしている私にとって薬は身近なものです。しかし身近すぎて意識するのを忘れがちですが、薬は使い方により毒でもあり、自分の命と死を司る小さな粒を疑問に思うことなく漫然と飲んでいた私にとって、彼女の言葉は衝撃的で鮮烈などんでん返しでした。薬を描く度、私は彼女の言葉を思い出して反芻しています。 幼い子供の戯言ではありますが、彼女の「お腹の中で溶けるかわからない」という、自分の命が急に宙に放り出されたような、ぞっとするような体感覚は私の作品とも通じるものがどこかあるように感じます。
The capsules and pills that often appear in the work depict medicines that I have taken or have seen. Medicine is a motif that represents the image of life and death for me. By drawing it colorfully, the weight of the image is shown lightly. It can also be mixed with jelly beans, candy, popcorn, etc. to mimic it cutely. It also means that life and death are such lightness of consciousness in everyday life.
A female friend couldn't take capsules or tablets, so she was always prescribed liquid medicines and powders. She said the reason for this is, "Especially the capsules are hard like plastic, and I don't know if they'll melt in my stomach. That's why I'm scared." Her feelings and answers remain in my memory as an impressive memory.
"We don't have many opportunities to see the inside of our bodies with our own eyes." Even if you use machines such as X-rays, echoes, and endoscopes, they are still images and videos. (Although that is also interesting.) Even if we know that it is absorbed in the stomach and intestines and has effects and efficacy, few people have seen it with their own eyes. It would be even more difficult to see how the medicine dissolves in your own body.
Since I was born, I have not been able to live without medical care and medicine, and I still need many medicines in my life, so medicine is familiar to me. However, medicine is also poison depending on how it is used, although it is easy to forget to be aware of it because it is too familiar. Her words were a shocking and vivid reversal for me, who had been drinking the small grains that controlled my life and death without questioning. I feel that her horrifying bodily sensation, "I don't know if it will melt in my stomach," as if my life had suddenly been thrown into the air, has something in common with my work. As an episode of medicine, the orange pill is sometimes a vitamin supplement, but it is increasingly being depicted as a pain-suppressing drug.
This orange tablet is a medicine that consists of ingredients extracted from the fluid that oozes from the inflamed skin of rabbits infected with the vaccinia virus. As someone who likes rabbits, I don't think I would want to use this drug, but it is also the drug that relieves my constant pain. I live by swallowing the life of a rabbit with the same mouth that I love rabbits. Every time I draw an orange pill, I think about the life of the rabbit I swallowed and the weight of my own life.
*There is absolutely no disrespect to other people taking the above orange medicines.
Also, I apologize to all of the rabbit lovers for being uncomfortable.