"Fairy handbook--fairy visual dictionary"

2023.02.17 02:00

About 100 fairies are explained.

A treasure trove of imagination where you can understand the characteristics and origins!

Ariel, Tom Thumb, Queen Mab, Goblin, Titania, Dwarf, Nymph, Gnome, Brownie, Mermaid, Robin Goodfellow...

How were these fairies, familiar from Shakespeare, manga, and games, born, used, and given an image in folklore, poetry, and literature?

Kimie Imura, a leading expert in fairy studies, unravels them, and a compact visual handbook with illustrations by many painters such as Arthur Rackham!

(full color)


◎Kimie Imura

English scholar and comparative literature scholar. Graduated from the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Comparative Literature doctoral course. She is a professor emeritus at Meisei University. Honorary Director of Utsunomiya Fairy Museum. Director of the Kaneyama Fairy Museum. His books include "Fairy Studies Encyclopedia" (Tokyo Shoseki), "Celtic Fairy Studies" (Chikuma Shobo), "Japan of Returnees" (Tokyo Sogensha, to be published soon). Has it been - British Fairy Faith: From Its Birth to "A Midsummer Night's Dream" Arthur Conan Doyle "The Arrival of the Fairies - Incident at Cottingley Village" Walter de la Mare "Dan Adam" ・Delhi: Rondo of Fairies” (Atelier Third), W.B. Yeats “Celtic Fairy Tales” (Chikuma Shobo), William Shakespeare “New Translation Tempest” (Rebel), Oscar Wilde “The Prince of Happiness” (Kaiseisha), edited and written "The Cottingley Fairy Case: New Facts of British Fairy Photography" (Seikyusha) and many others.

A5 size, 112 pages, 1,800yen (consumption tax not included)