Hinamatsuri - Japanese Girls Day Celebration at DIA, March 5 Sunday, 2023
今年は Michigan based female Japanese artists 4人のなかの1人として参加します。他3人素晴らしいアーティストの方々とご一緒できることになりました。
11:45am & 1:45pm の2回 Grate Hall の小ステージにて書道パフォーマンスもお楽しみいただきたいです。
Hinamatsuri – Japanese Girls Day Celebration | Detroit Institute of Arts MuseumCalendar IconFacebook
Returning after a two-year pause, the Consulate General of Japan in Detroit, Japan Business Society of Detroit, and Japan Cultural Development invite you to celebrate Hinamatsuri, Japanese Girls Day, at the DIA on Sunday, March 5, 2023.
Visitor favorites like the tea ceremony, hina doll display, Ikebana flower arrangements, and koto (Japanese zither) performance return along with storytelling and origami workshops.
This year, the work of four Michigan based female Japanese artists - calligrapher Kyoko Fujii, Mokuhanga paper artist Nobuko Yamasaki, mixed-media artist Hiroko Lancour and illustrator Mino Watanabe - will be featured. Visitors will also have the opportunity to try tea and participate in hands-on workshops. See schedule below.
11:45am & 1:45pm Shodo, Japanese Calligraphy Performance by Ms. Kyoko Fuji | Great Hall
過去のDIAひな祭りの様子はこちらをご覧ください ↓↓↓